Links to Study
Cassandra modelling
Write heavy workload. Choose DB with LSM indexed DB
General difference between sql and no-sql
dropbox system design by Naren
Netflix stream processsing
SHA perfomance metrics
Youtube scaling
Indexing / Search Engine
Haproxy architecure
Strore session in centralied location
Load Balancer
HAProxy Config
Scaling storage
Scale timeseries databases in netflix
Netflix timeseries db
Kafka Design
Live stream architecure.
Location based search + quadtree
Generating Global Unique ID
- clocks across different computer are not synchronous all the time
- NTP sometime roll back the time if it detect the computer clock is diverging (due to clock skew drift issues)
- Using get_time_of_day() usec+counter+machine_name might be globally unique but slow because get_time_of_day() is slow. Also it might not be monotonically increasing (see #2)
- get UUID in windows / DB’s can generate system specific globlal UID
- if you need monotonically increasing global ids (you want to sequence events), best option is to just have a single server from where everyone ask for a unique id
- gettimeofday() gives UTC time (sec,microsecond). but gettimeofday is slower. So you can just use machine_name+counter if you want speed. you have to backup the counter state once in a while.
Flikr approach: (distributed unique primary keys)
Use mysql auto incr counter with only storing the last incremented number in DB (so that the size of the db dont grow). Use REPLACE INTO command
- Writes goes to the leader. OK is only sent when quorum writes happes.
2. Read happens with any server. read can be stale for a while(eventual consitent)
3 Watch can be set for any ephimeral node
4. can be used for service discovery